In this week’s The Orcadian
This week’s edition of The Orcadian is now in shops and is available online, here.
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On the front page, the news that ‘Hope and Cursiter dumps have been saved from bin — for now — despite recommendations for their closure by OIC officers.
This will come as welcome news to many in the community, who publicly shared their outrage at the proposals when they were unveiled last Friday.
Councillors sitting on OIC’s development and infrastructure committee decided on Tuesday that there was not enough information for them to make a final decision on the matter.
Officers have been asked to present a fresh report, setting out additional options for the future of the dumps, by no later than October.
Also in this week’s newspaper:
- Major OIC management overhaul planned
- Further £300k in COVID relief for businesses
- OIC not “not consulted” on lockdown survey
- Government cash boost for barriers?
- Election season — meet your candidates
- Passenger numbers dip at NorthLink
- New operator sought for Papay ferry route
- NHS pay rise “not what it says on the tin”
- A career on the wireless comes to an end
- OIC to avoid potential “bias” with windfarm consultation
- Historical feature — Bombing at the Brig o’ Waith (part two)
- The latest Auld Man Ahoy! column from Jim Hewitson
- A look at late medieval dress in Mimir’s Well
- Take a gander at news from the past in From Our Archives
- Stromness — Lifeboat assists diving boat
- Property — Orkney prices on the rise
- Marine Scene — Orkney leads the way against ballast pollution
- Gaan Oot — New artwork springs up
- The Peedie Orcadian — this month’s pullout for youngsters, featuring news, views and puzzles for young folk
- Farming — Livestock protection measures welcomed
- Sport — Future-proofing Orkney hockey