
Cruise Arrivals


Introducing “Wurdle”

Introducing “Wurdle”

If you’ve been thinking “Whit’s this?

“Ah, hid’s some type of wurd game,

“Ah see, you chest type in the wurd and it lets you ken if you’ve got a litter right, an if it’s in the right peice.”

But you’ve also been thinking “Whit, that’s no hoo it’s spelt. Ah, must be yon American thing.”

And “Caulk!?”

Then this new Orcadian word game might just be for you.

Available on the Orcadian website under the Games tab, Wurdle takes a local angle on a similarly named international phenomenon.

The difference? All the Wurdles are based on Orkney dialect!

If you are new to this, you have five guesses to work out a five letter word.

After each guess you receive feedback, a letter highlighted in green means the letter is in the word and in the right place. If the letter is in yellow, it is in the word but in a different place.

There is a new Wurdle each day, and upon completion you can share your result – the number of guesses it took you, but not the final word, on social media.