Wednesday, March 26
  • Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay
Cloudy Icon
Chance of rain icon9%
Wind speed icon11 mph
Wind direction iconSSW
Wind gusts icon16 mph
w-cloudy Icon9°CThu
w-cloudy Icon9°CFri
w-light-rain-shower Icon7°CSat
w-cloudy Icon8°CSun

Cruise Arrivals


The Islander Competition – Last chance to win a luxury trip to Orkney!

Last chance to win a luxury trip to Orkney!
Make sure to tell all your family and friends from afar . . .

The Orkney Islander magazine is offering one couple the chance to visit Orkney in style.

Our amazing prize includes:
* a pair of return flights from Edinburgh/Glasgow/Inverness/Aberdeen, courtesy of Loganair, between November 2017, and March, 2018.

* Car hire, courtesy of Drive Orkney.

*Two nights’ luxury accommodation with hot-tub, at super stylish Grukalty self-catering in Birsay.

*A Peedie Hamper from Judith Glue (www.judithglue.com).

*One night’s dinner, Bed and Breakfast, at The Lynnfield Hotel in Kirkwall.

To enter, all you have to do is tell us WHAT you love about Orkney and WHY, in no more than 30 words — and, if you’ve never been before, then tell us WHY you’d love to come!

Email entries to competitions@orkneyislandermagazine.co.uk or fill in the form on our website at www.orkneyislander.co.uk/competition by THIS SATURDAY, September 30.