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Kirkwall RNLI £5000 boost from author

Tankerness author Kathleen Keldie presenting a £5000 cheque to the lifeboat crew.

Kirkwall RNLI received a £5000 funding boost at the weekend when local author Kathleen Keldie presented a cheque to the lifeboat crew.

The money was raised from profits from her latest book, So many Secrets, the third book written by Tankerness author Kathleen, which has seen profits raised being donated to charity.

The book explores 15 miles of Orkney’s coastline, from Inganess Bay, right round Tankerness to Sebay. It covers things you might see on a walk today, as well as many of the historical events our forebears may have seen.

There are so many stories within the pages, ranging from shipwrecks to secret caves, to the shipping of today heading to and from the busy port of Kirkwall.

Wildlife, be it on the shore, on the sea, or indeed in the sky, also features in the 222-page publication, which contains numerous colourful illustrations, maps and photographs.

Kathleen, who said that there are still copies available from local stockists, said that she was very grateful to all who had helped her sell the book since she launched it last summer.

She also said that she was delighted that it raised so much money for the lifesaving charity.

• Her first book, on the history of the Tankerness School, raised over £7,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust, with her second, on the households of Tankerness, raising over £5,000 for Macmillan so far.