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Kirkwall town centre works to get underway on Monday

The next phase of the Kirkwall Townscape Heritage Initiative’s Places and Spaces project, aimed at regenarating Kirkwall’s town centre for the beneift of local communities and businesses, is due to get underway next week.

There is set to be disruption while work is carried out as those behind the project seek to deliver sustainable improvements to the built heritage of the Kirkwall Conservation Area.

The contractor will be getting underway with setting up the site from Monday onwards.

Tankerness Lane will be closed to vehicles throughout the works, with one-way systems in place at various times on Broad Street and Palace Road — with Victoria Street closed to vehicles for approximately five weeks from January 6, 2020.

The works include new paving outside the Orkney Museum, a new parking area outside the former Spence’s newsagent and new paving into Victoria Street.

This will take place from September until February, with work suspended through the whole of December to support shopping on the street during the festive period.

Free parking of up to one hour will apply as usual in metered car parks over the winter period. Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout.

Regular updates on the project will be given via the OIC Updates Facebook page and council website www.orkney.gov.uk.

Businesses in the area will be visited by the project team and the contractor to discuss any issues and residents will also receive regular updates.

Now in its closing stages, the scheme has been running since July 2014.

It’s primarily funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, Historic Environment Scotland and Orkney Islands Council.

The streetscape improvements have also received additional funding from Transport Scotland, through Sustrans Scotland’s Community Links Fund.

As part of the process to temporarily close a road, all emergency services will be informed and alternative access arrangements put in place.

These routes are subject to minor changes during each section to allow works to progress. All routes will be clearly signed, separated by cones or fenced off.

To discuss the project please contact Jackie Thomson, Strategic Development and Regeneration, Orkney Islands Council, on 01856 873535.