Know your school crossing signals — young lives depend on it

Drivers are being urged to obey signals given by school crossing patrol officers (SCPOs), amid a warning of an increase in dangerous driving at key crossing points.
As the weather improves and more children are likely to be walking to school, drivers are being asked to make sure they know the signals given by patrol officers at school crossing points.
The chairman of the multi-agency road safety forum, Councillor Andrew Drever, praised the work of SCPOs in assisting children cross the road safely on their way to and from school.
“Fortunately, most drivers are courteous and patient while school crossing patrol officers carry out their duties,” said Councillor Drever.
“However, there are increased instances of what is considered dangerous driving, including speeding and threatening behaviour towards officers at their crossings.
“This not only places children in grave danger, it is totally unacceptable treatment of staff doing their job of keeping our bairns safe on their daily walk to school.
“We’d remind drivers that the signals used by SCPOs are laid down in the Highway Code — failure to obey them is breaking the law and could lead to tragic circumstances for drivers and for a local family if a child, or children, is harmed or killed.”
More on this in The Orcadian, available now online and in shops.