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Less than one week to go for Hoy wind farm comments

Members of the public are being reminded that they have less than one week left to make their views known about a proposed wind farm on Hoy – before a planning application is submitted later this summer.

The project is part of ‘Orkney’s Community Wind Farm Project’ which also includes proposed wind farm developments at Quanterness in St. Ola, and on Faray in the North Isles.

The latest development proposals consist of up to six turbines with a maximum blade-tip height of 149.9m, access tracks, crane hardstandings, turbine foundations, underground cabling, on-site substation and maintenance building, a temporary construction compound, potential excavations/borrow workings and a permanent meteorological mast.

As the development is classed as a “major development” there is a requirement to submit a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to the planning authority and carry out a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) – which usually would include a public event or exhibition.

The objective of the PAC is for communities to be better informed about major and national development proposals and to have an opportunity to contribute their views before a formal planning application is submitted to the planning authority.

The deadline for submitting comments to the Project Team is Monday,  June 8, at noon.

A public event had been planned for Hoy in March, but this was cancelled due to the ongoing restrictions put in place as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

With the Scottish Government having recently passed emergency legislation to allow developers to carry out  pre-application consultation without the need for a face to face public event, alternative plans were put in place following government guidance – which have allowed members of the public to talk directly to the project team about the plans and raise any questions or concerns they may have – before a planning application is submitted.

Methods have included phone calls with the project team, an online video and survey and a live virtual event.

To discuss remaining options for speaking to the Project Team contact Kirsty Groundwater, Project Officer, Orkney Islands Council by email on kirsty.groundwater@orkney.gov.uk  or by phone on 07818508323 or visit www.orkney.gov.uk/HoyPAC

Comments can be submitted through:

It should be noted that comments made to OIC through this PAC process are not representations to the planning authority. If a planning application is subsequently submitted, neighbour notification and publicity will be undertaken, and individuals and communities will have an opportunity to make representations on that application to the planning authority at that time.