Maree Todd calls for improvements for working carers

Maree Todd, MSP for the Highlands and Islands, is encouraging employers to join the Carer Positive Employment Initiative, which aims to improve the life for carers in the workplace and their employers.
Ms Todd has registered as a Carer Positive Employer and received her award from Carers Scotland, today, Thursday. Being recognised as a Carer Positive employer, an initiative funded by the Scottish Government, means that your working practices suit the needs and circumstances of working carers through practical measures such as flexible working policies.
Carers Scotland estimates that the work of carers contributes the equivalent of around £10.8 billion to the economy each year and will likely increase as the population continues to age.
Ms Todd was delighted to receive the award and hopes that other employers will join the initiative.
“Carer Positive is a fantastic scheme that aims to encourage employers to create a supportive working environment for carers in the workplace,” she said.
“Around 270,000 people in Scotland combine work with care. However, without support and understanding from their employer, they can experience unpleasant levels of stress and exhaustion and, as a result, many carers give up work.
Ms Todd believes that many carers still want to work, and that they can be helped to do this with a little more flexibility from potential employers.
“There are numerous potential benefits to becoming a Carer Positive employer, such as reduced absences, lower staff turnover levels and saving on recruitment costs,” she continued.
“These are just some of the reasons why I am encouraging as many employers in the Highlands and Islands as possible to take steps to becoming Carer Positive employer.”