McArthur calls for extension of agri-environment deadline

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur has written to the Scottish Government urging them to heed calls for an extension to the deadline for applications to agri-environment schemes as part of Scotland’s new rural development programme (SRDP).
Mr McArthur has asked the cabinet secretary for rural affairs, Richard Lochhead, to reconsider the narrow window for agri-environment scheme applications, which coincides with the timeframe in which farmers and crofters are required to submit applications for the new basic payment scheme.
Mr McArthur said: “These agri-environment schemes are important in supporting a range of valuable projects undertaken by farmers and others in Orkney. They deliver real benefits and therefore every effort should be made to ensure that the application system makes things easier, not harder for applications to be submitted.
“By setting such a tight deadline for applications, however, ministers are putting in place unnecessary obstacles. Farmers and their advisers are under pressure to provide documentation for accessing the basic farm payments, so it is unreasonable to expect all agri-environment applications to be submitted at the same time.”
According to Mr McArthur, he has been contacted by constituents who are already experiencing problems complying with the deadlines.
“Ministers previously indicated that applications would be considered on a continuous basis throughout the year. Now farmers are being expected to submit applications during a period of less than three months. This change of approach is not acceptable and I have written to the Minister asking him to think again and support calls from the NFUS and others to revert back to the original position.”