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McArthur welcomes all-female MSYP shortlist

It was announced in this month’s The Peedie Orcadian that all six candidates for Orkney MSYP were female.

Orkney MSP, Liam McArthur has welcomed news that the next Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) for Orkney will be elected from an all-female shortlist of candidates.

Maya Tams-Gray, Hope Laing, Emma Grant, Elizabeth Gorn, Shavon More and Rachel Evans have all put their names forward for the two Orkney roles.

As well as congratulating the six candidates who have put their names forward, Mr McArthur has encouraged young people in Orkney to use their vote once polling opens on March 15.

Looking ahead to the election, Mr McArthur said: “While I may be a little biased, I believe Orkney has been fortunate over the years to have excellent MSYPs representing young people in the islands!

“From the candidates who have put themselves forward this time round, it is clear that tradition is set to continue. After all-male representation in the last two parliaments, however, it is good to see that Orkney’s next MSYPs will both be female,

“I would also make a plea to all those eligible to vote in these elections to make sure they do so. Voting takes place between March 15 – 29 and anyone aged 12-25 can cast vote online using their young scot card number.

“Meantime, I wish all six candidates the best of luck and hope they enjoy the campaign experience. I certainly look forward to working with whoever is elected as Orkney’s next MSYPs.”