MSP encourages applications for Warm Home Discount scheme

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur is encouraging local people to contact their energy suppliers to find out whether they are eligible for the Warm Home Discount scheme, which has now opened for applications.
The scheme provides financial assistance to people who receive the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit, and many suppliers also provide discounts for people with low incomes and vulnerable customers to help them with their winter fuel bills.
Mr McArthur said: “High fuel costs remain a real problem for those living in the islands. With longer, harsher winters and more hard to heat homes, the challenges facing many households in Orkney are getting increasingly serious.
“Under the Warm Homes Discount scheme, however, some households could receive £140 off their bills this winter. This would be a real benefit for those eligible.
“While assistance is available for those on the guarantee element of Pension Credit, some energy suppliers have extended the eligibility criteria to more of their customers. I would encourage any constituent who thinks they might be eligible to contact their supplier. Alternatively, they can get in touch with my constituency office or the Citizens Advice Bureau.”