New alcohol-free direction for The Stromness Hotel

The new owners of The Stromness Hotel, Paymán Investments, have confirmed their plans for the establishment — including that it will not sell alcohol.
Following recent speculation about the sale of alcohol on the premises, it has been confirmed that it will be alcohol-free, and the hotel’s Flattie Bar will be “reconfigured”.
Citing the extent of the fatalities caused by alcohol-related diseases, the new owners say they will instead will be offering a range of “flower and herb-based” drinks.
However, there will be the opportunity for customers to consume alcohol if they so wish, by bringing their own while attending events such as weddings or staff Christmas nights out.
They are also working on new culinary experiences and offerings.
Paymán Investments explain that they will “introduce a health focussed range of experiences following upcoming renovations.”
CEO Na’ím Anís Paymán stated: “We continue to receive far more positive messages from locals who share our vision of the future of this unique island.
“We are working hard to make life healthier and more sustainable for the community, the local economy and the environment around Orkney.”
For more information, see next week’s edition of The Orcadian.