New Executive Director appointed
Orkney Islands Council has appointed a new Executive Director for Development and Infrastructure.
A Special Meeting of the Full Council today selected Gavin Barr – currently OIC’s Planning Manager (Development Planning and Regeneration) – for the post.
The move follows the appointment last month of Leslie Manson, as Executive Director for Education, Leisure and Housing, and Gillian Morrison, as Executive Director for Corporate Services.
The post of Executive Director for Orkney Health and Care is already filled on an interim basis by Cathie Cowan, Chief Executive of NHS Orkney, who will continue to perform this role.
The appointments follow a decision by councillors that the senior management structure at Orkney Islands Council should be reduced in size. This will lead to a reduction from 34 to 18 in the number of Chief Officer posts at OIC and result in annual savings of £1.16 million.