NHS Orkney suspend some elective surgeries
A number of elective (planned) surgeries due to take place early next week have been suspended.

This is due to the ongoing high rates of COVID-19 cases in the Orkney and the requirement for those who have tested positive to self-isolate.
An NHSO spokeswoman said: “The number of positive COVID-19 cases in the county and the requirement for self-isolation is significantly impacting on our workforce.
“In order to ensure that essential activity can be maintained, the decision has been taken to suspend some elective (planned) surgeries early next week.
“All of the affected patients have already been contacted and we thank them for being so understanding at this time.”
Dr Mark Henry, Medical Director and Interim Director of Acute Services shared: “This is not a decision we have taken lightly, and we wouldn’t be making it if we didn’t have to.
“We will review the position on Monday regarding planned procedures for the rest of the week. Suspending this activity will release staff to support other critical areas.”
NHS Orkney will be in touch, next week, with those who are affected if events continue to suspend activity past Tuesday.
However, they intend for this suspension to be in place for as short of time period as possible.
The NHS Orkney spokeswoman added: “Thank you for your patience at this time and please do bear with us, we will contact you if you are affected.”