Northern Isles MSPs call for review of ferry tender process

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur and Shetland MSP Tavish Scott have written to the Scottish transport and islands minister calling for him to ask Audit Scotland to examine the tendering process followed by Transport Scotland for the current North Isles ferry contract.
Serious concerns have been raised locally about the process in general, and specifically about reports that the NorthLink bid was returned unopened.
Mr McArthur said: “It is deeply worrying that an apparently lower bid, from a company already running a good service, was not even examined.
“For many of my constituents, this has raised all sorts of new questions about the procurement procedure followed by the Scottish Government.
“In the past, SNP ministers have cited ‘commercial confidentiality’ to justify withholding information about this contract. It would appear, therefore, that Audit Scotland is the only body which can get to the bottom of this and I hope that the minister will now agree to such a review.”