OIC issues plea for accommodation in aid of Ukrainian refugees

Orkney Islands Council (OIC) has urged registered landlords who might be able to provide suitable properties for Ukrainian families to come forward.
Councillors recently gave their support to assisting Ukrainian households if at all possible and agreed to seek a minimum of two private rental sector properties.
The council now wants to hear from registered private landlords, or anyone considering becoming a registered private landlord, with suitable properties on the Orkney Mainland — ideally Kirkwall or Stromness due to the additional support networks being more readily accessible – to get in touch.
Frances Troup, OIC’s head of community learning, leisure and housing said: “These are, without question, families who will have been through an incredibly difficult time and may have witnessed horrors that no one should. Orkney is renowned for its caring and compassionate nature and so we are hopeful that we will be able to source suitable homes for these households who deserve a period of stability in their lives.
“We have already had individuals and organisations contact us offering rooms and accommodation and we want to develop a full and complete understanding of what’s available in our community.
“This situation has been fast paced and we are awaiting further detail from the Scottish Government in respect of when accommodation will be required. All Councils in Scotland have been asked, through CoSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities), whether they could assist with resettling some Ukrainian households.
“A funding package was announced by the First Minister on March 17, but the detail of how this will be distributed has not been released.”
If you could offer a suitable property, and even if you have already registered on the government’s website, you should get in touch with the council’s housing team on 873535 or housing@orkney.gov.uk.
In addition to this, the UK Government has also launched a “Homes for Ukraine” scheme.
This enables individuals, charities, community groups and businesses to volunteer accommodation – whether it is self-contained accommodation or a room within a house.
Phase One of the scheme will allow sponsors in the UK to nominate a named Ukrainian or a named Ukrainian family. Individual sponsors will be asked to provide homes or a spare room rent-free for as long as they are able, with a minimum stay of six months. In return, they will receive £350 per month.
The scheme open yesterday for visa applications from Ukrainians and immediate family members who already have named people willing to sponsor them.
People who would like to be sponsors, who do not know anyone personally fleeing Ukraine can also record their interest in being a sponsor. Charities, faith groups and local community organisations are helping to facilitate connections between individuals, for potential sponsors who do not have a named contact.
Orkney folk who are intending to register for the scheme should advise the council that they have registered in order that the council can collect a list. To do this, email housing@orkney.gov.uk