• Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay

Cruise Arrivals


OIC issues refuse and recycling reminder

Orkney Islands Council has issues a reminder for household waste and recycling for the week beginning Monday, March 29.

If it’s a recycling week for you next week (Areas 9 – 15), you are asked to put out your glass and plastic bottles on your usual collection day — and keep them separate by using two green bins (or a green box and bag if you use these).

If next week is a waste collection week where you live (Areas 1 – 8), you are asked to put out your grey bin (or red bags if you use them) on your usual collection day and hold onto your recycling.

You can look up your Area — and what’s being collected week by week on www.orkney.gov.uk/MyBins