Older Orcadians’ views sought on transport
Age Scotland Orkney and Age Scotland are encouraging local older people and representatives of older people’s groups to share their transport experiences with the Scottish Government at a special event to be held in Finstown, on October 25.
Views given will be shared with the Scottish Government, which is currently updating their national transport strategy. The new strategy will shape the country’s transport priorities for the next 20 years.
Age Scotland and Transport Scotland have said they have been working closely with older people in communities across island, rural and urban Scotland since spring to understand how transport affects older peoples’ daily lives.
Gillian Skuse, Charity Director of Age Scotland Orkney, stressed how important it is that local older people get involved in these discussions.
“We’ve heard from older people around the islands that transport can impact their mobility, running their errands, enjoying activities and being part of their local communities. This consultation is a great opportunity for older Orcadians’ comments and experiences to help shape future planning for more inclusive, affordable and accessible transport on our islands.”
Speaking about the workshop, Age Scotland’s Policy Engagement & Campaigns Officer Simon Ritchie said: “We know that a lack of transport options can be a huge barrier for many older people in the Highlands and Islands living the life they want to live. Around 200,000 older people in Scotland don’t see anyone else for at least half a week so easy access to good transport options is vital to older people allowing them to run errands, meet friends and family, make medical appointments and improve their quality of life.
“This is a brilliant opportunity for older people in Orkney to share their views on transport and shape the new National Transport Strategy. Age Scotland and Transport Scotland want to hear how transport works for older Orcadians so that decision-makers can ensure older Orcadians can access the services they need in order to enjoy later life.”
“We invite any and all older people in Orkney to come along and share their views with us.”
The transport workshop will take place in Finstown on Thursday October 25 at the Orkney Men’s Shed. Tea and coffee will be available on arrival from 10.15 am with the day starting at 10.30 am. A soup and sandwich lunch will be served at 12.30pm after the event ends.
To book your place in this free event, contact Age Scotland on 0131 668 8061 or helen.simpson@agescotland.org.uk by October 18.