Orkney Master Chef returns

Orkney Amateur Master Chef is back! The county’s finest amateur chefs are being urged to throw their aprons into the ring for what promises to be one of the most hotly contested competitions of 2017.
The event is due to take place in Kirkwall on Wednesday, 27 September, with organisers Orkney Food and Drink keen to hear from anyone who thinks they might have what it takes to cook up a storm on the night.
Last staged in 2015, the contest will see four amateur chefs, specially selected by Orkney Food and Drink, go head to head in front of a live audience in the Orkney Theatre.
A panel of expert judges will sample the menus produced by the entrants, which must use as much local produce as possible. Some of the audience will also get the chance to taste the competition food and give their opinion on it. Keeping the evening on the boil will be hosts Dave Gray and Robbie Fraser, from BBC Radio Orkney.
The competition winner will receive a cash prize and the coveted Orkney Amateur Master Chef trophy. All participants will be presented with a hamper of Orkney goods.
“When I applied, I thought I’d never get picked,” said 2015 contest winner, Kerry Leask.
“It was certainly hard work and there’s a lot of preparation involved, but it was a great experience and something I’m very glad I did. To anyone who’s thinking of entering, I’d say just go for it as you’ll absolutely enjoy it.”
Anyone interested in taking part in the competition can register interest at www.orkneyfoodanddrink.com.