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Orkney Museum gives students hands-on experience with timeless artefacts

An exhibition is opening this week through a collaboration between Orkney Museum and the University of Highlands and Islands.

The museum is finishing up a three-week module in Museum Studies for students at the university and, on Friday, the students will have an opportunity to display what they have learned in a public exhibition.

Sheila Garson, Orkney Museum curator, has been the course tutor throughout the module.

She said: “The module is a great opportunity for individuals that are interested in working within the heritage sector to get hands on experience of what it’s like to work in a museum.

“The students have been given objects that they were responsible for researching, deciding what’s important about the objects, and then mounting them in the museum for display. This is exactly the type of thing that is involved in working in a museum and it’s important for the students to get this real life experience.

“It has been great working with the university on this project. I know the students have found the module to be challenging at times, but they have all shown real interest in the work they have done throughout the module and I am very much looking forward to seeing what they came up with.”

The exhibition opens this Friday, July 17, at 2.30pm and will available for the public to view until the middle of August.