Orkney sparkles in children’s dental survey

Orkney has come top of the teeth once again in terms of children’s dental health.
As part of the National Dental Inspection Programme, Primary One children across Scotland received examination by dentists.
In Orkney, 85.9 per cent of this age group inspected in 2022 had no obvious experience of decay.
While this is the first time the inspection has been completed since the pandemic, which saw disruption to dentistry across the county, Orkney has once again secured the top spot.
NHS Orkney’s dental director Jay Wragg said: “Orkney has once again achieved outstanding results in the National Dental Inspection Programme (NDIP). We are grateful to everyone concerned in achieving the result of almost 86 per cent of Orkney P1 schoolchildren having no decay.
“It is particularly positive considering that this result was achieved during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We would also like to pass on our thanks to the inspection team that went into schools and nurseries in Orkney when the pandemic was still a matter of very serious concern, and to parents and staff that allowed us to carry out the survey. As always, carrying out this survey was a team effort, and maintaining a good position in Scotland is also important. Thank you to everyone involved for making good oral health a priority at this time.
“Each year, the NDIP survey is a snapshot of the health of that year group alone. The inspection of the next group is about to begin, and as usual, we will start the process again. We never take positive results for granted, so the hard work will continue. NHS Orkney is committed to oral health improvement for all children and young people. We will take a moment to celebrate this year’s result before continuing our work together for improvements to give children in Orkney the best possible start.
“However, it is also important to note that there is a concerning trend where those children experiencing decay have more severe disease. This trend emerges at a time when access to dental services has been very limited. As we continue to recover from Covid, NHS dentistry continues to be stretched, and we would ask for your patience and understanding when we try to focus care on those with the greatest need. Anyone with concerns about their children’s teeth should contact their registered dentist.”