Orkney’s Norwegian consul steps down

Orkney’s honourary Norwegian consul, Bill Spence, stood down from the post this morning after over 38 years of service.
Mr Spence turned 70 today, the age at which an honourary consul must hand over the reins.
Leslie Burgher, from Kirkwall, will be now be taking up the post.
The occasion was marked at the Orkney Museum, where Mr Spence handed over his consul’s uniform, which had been given to him by the former Norwegian Consul for Hull, Robin Fenton, to Orkney Islands Council and the museum.
The ceremony was attended by OIC officials, Norwegian ambassador her excellency Ms Mona Juul and the son and grand-daughter of Robin Fenton, Peter and Nadia Fenton.
Mr Spence said he felt sadness at giving up the post, in which he had spent more than half his life, but also felt the time had come for someone new to take on the role.