Orkney’s young people speak up at local Youth Forum launch

Today saw the launch of a new youth forum in the county which will allow young people to share their views and ideas with Orkney Islands Council (OIC) and other organisations.
The Orkney Youth Forum was launched today at the OIC offices, in Kirkwall.
The forum has come into existence through the work of a Youth Forum Streering Group, which included pupils from Stromness Academy and Kirkwall Grammar School, supported by Orkney Members of Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs). The group has also had backing and support from the council.
The launch of the Youth Forum was welcomed by elected members of the council, with council convener reading a poem, titled An Ode to the Orkney Youth Forum, to mark the occasion.
Almost half of Orkney’s elected members, along with top council officials, were present to hear a number of the county’s young people to communicate issues and ideas in the council chamber.
The goal of the Orkney Youth Forum is to give a stronger voice to young people from the county, by providing them with a regular opportunity to discuss matters affecting young people with both local and national bodies.