“Overwhelming support” after Stromness bonfire incident

Efforts to save Stromness Bonfire Night are receiving an overwhelming response from the local community, after it was discovered that the bonfire had been lit a day early by pranksters.
Stromness Community Council have sent out an appeal for wooden palettes in an attempt to rebuild the bonfire at Coplands Dock, in time for tomorrow night’s event (Sunday).
George Argo of Stromness Community Council was upset tonight when he received several calls reporting that the bonfire had been lit prematurely.
“I contacted Gordon Deans to let him know then headed out to the fire site,” he said
“A Fire Engine was in attendance and the fire was well underway. I was absolutely sick to the stomach, to see the man hours that have gone into organising the wood, building the fire, all go up in smoke a night early.
“It’s such a selfish thing to do, and the impact on the community is huge. The event is so well supported having only been resurrected in recent years.”
Though the fire has now been put out, irreparable damage has been done to the structure of the bonfire. Desperate to make sure that event goes ahead, Mr Argo and his fellow community councillors have launched an appeal, in the hope of gathering enough palettes to rebuild the bonfire.
“We have put out an appeal for wood to be dropped to Coplands Dock before 12pm tomorrow,” Mr Argo explained.
“I’m overwhelmed by the number of messages of support we have received, we’ve got people coming to help rebuild and wood being donated. Community spirit at its finest!”