Placemaking scheme gets the go-ahead

Island councillors have given their backing to proposals to improve Broad Street in Kirkwall — a move supported by 65 per cent of people who responded to a recent OIC consultation.
Plans for the placemaking scheme show changes such as the partial widening of the pavement on the shop side of Broad Street, the relocation of taxis from Broad Street to Castle Street, and a reconfiguration of the parking area outside Spence’s newsagents to improve access into the shop and create a “flexible events space” — although this will see the loss of three parking spaces outside the shop.
Other measures aim to slow traffic and improve pedestrian movement around Broad Street and its connections with Victoria Street, Albert Street and Castle Street.
At a meeting of the OIC development and infrastructure committee on Tuesday afternoon, elected members agreed to progress with Phase 1 of the scheme at a cost of £1,083,000.
Councillors also heard that sustainable transport charity Sustrans had agreed a further contribution of £190,850 bringing their total funding commitment towards the project to £850,850.
This additional grant has increased the project’s total budget from £1,304,000 to £1,535,850.