Play area audit on the cards

The OIC has confirmed there is to be an audit of all council play areas after concerns from the public about the condition of playparks.
According to the council, it will be discussing with communities their play area needs, finding out where the best place for parks to be located is and advising on funding and types of play equipment.
This, said the OIC, ties in with the new Orkney Play strategy, which recommends a more naturalistic/imaginative form of play.
The council’s current play area policy is that the OIC will replace or repair any broken or defective item of play equipment within ten years of installation and will allow play equipment older than ten years to be used as long as it passes annual independent inspections.
However, the council will remove, and not replace, items older than ten years which fail the inspections. Instead, it recommends to communities that refurbishment be considered through community fundraising.