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Public urged to get Sports Awards nominations in as short video is released

Orkney Islands Council are urging people to get their nominations in for the Orkney Sports Awards 2015 – and are launching a series of short videos showcasing sporting talent in the islands. This is the first sports awards ceremony in almost a decade that is dedicated to the wide range of sport in Orkney and it is being organised by OIC in partnership with Sportscotland and The Orcadian.

The awards include nine categories which recognise the talent and contribution individuals and teams make to Orkney sport. They are:

  • Sportsperson of the Year
  • Junior Sportsperson of the Year
  • Team of the Year
  • Junior Team of the Year
  • Coach of the Year
  • Volunteer of the Year
  • Young Volunteer of the Year
  • Technical Official of the Year
  • School Sports Volunteer of the Year

A series of short videos will be released over the next few days that describe each category and showcase a variety of sporting talent throughout Orkney. The first of these is shown above, the remainder is to follow in the next few days.

Garry Burton, Service Manager for Sport and Leisure at the Council, said: “The Orkney Sports Awards will honour the remarkable achievements of both individuals and teams from across the isles that took place in 2015.

“This is your chance to acknowledge the people who have worked hard and dedicated themselves to the sport of their choice. We’re getting a good response so far but it’s important that we get as many nominations as possible so all individuals and teams have potential to be recognised.”

Stewart Harris, Chief Executive from Sportscotland, said:  “At Sportscotland we want to see a Scotland where sport is a way of life, making a positive impact on people and communities.  Awards like these have a big part to play in delivering on that ambition.

“They are an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the athletes who have made Orkney proud, to inspire the next generation and to recognise the commitment of everyone who gives their time to make sport happen.”

Nominations can be dropped off at The Orcadian bookshop in Kirkwall, by emailing active-schools@orkney.gov.uk or telephone 01856 873535 extension 2441. You can also download a nomination form from the Council website and email it or drop it at the Council Offices, School Place, Kirkwall.

Nominations can also be sent to the Active Schools Facebook page, the OIC Updates Facebook page or using Twitter with the hashtag #OrkneySportsAwards and post to @orkneycouncil. Please include name and category when making nominations.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, 11 December at 5pm.