Reaction as Orkney and Shetland miss out on RET

Transport Minister, Keith Brown, today, Tuesday, announced the roll out of Road Equivalent Tariff on all remaining west coast ferry routes, a move which has led to Orkney MSP Liam McArthur condemning the decision by the Scottish Government to continue excluding every single route to, from, and within the Northern Isles.
Mr McArthur said: “Mr Brown talks of his delight at extending cheaper ferry fares to every route on the west coast. The response in Orkney to this announcement, however, will be very different.
“Excluding Orkney and Shetland from the RET scheme has been politically motivated from the outset. It has also laid bare this SNP government’s determination to base its ferries policy on pure electoral considerations.
“Reducing the cost of getting to and from our islands can deliver enormous economic and social benefits to these communities. That is why it should be a key commitment for any government. However it must be done on the basis of fairness to all.
“Spending millions of pounds of public money targeting a scheme at some islands but not others will strike most people as unfair and unacceptable. Why the Transport Minister takes delight in this, only he can explain.”