Record breaking cruise liner season ahead

The number of cruise ships visiting Orkney will top the 80 mark for the first time this year.
So far, 83 port calls by liners are expected in the islands – four more than in 2014.
In total, the ships have the capacity to carry more than 80,000 passengers and 25,000 crew.
Michael Morrison, business development manager for Orkney Islands Council Marine Services, said: “We’re all set for a record-breaking year for cruise ship visits. In all, the 83 vessels amount to just over 3 million gross tonnes of shipping – and more bookings are still expected for 2015. We’re seeing more visits by bigger vessels, resulting in greater overall passenger numbers for Orkney.
“The increase in the size of ships visiting demonstrates the confidence that the industry has in our ability to deliver a first class experience for visiting passengers.
“A big team effort lies behind our cruise business. We pay a great deal of attention to the pre-planning of the cruise season. We try to consider every eventuality that could occur and be ready to react accordingly.”
He added: “Orkney remains, despite stiff competition from other developing cruise ports, the most popular cruise ship destination in the United Kingdom.”
Further details of some of the ships due to call will be in The Orcadian, out on Thursday.