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Recycling event rescues almost a tonne of unwanted household goods

An event run by Orkney Islands Council, in partnership with Orkney ZeroWaste, has ensured the redistribution and reuse of almost 1,000kg of unwanted household goods – diverting them from being disposed of as waste.

Almost all of the goods have been redistributed already through local charities, therefore directly benefiting members of the community.

Jayne Venables, the OIC’s waste strategy officer, said: “This is a real case of local people making a difference for local benefit.

“Zero Waste Scotland estimate that 150,000 tonnes of re-usable household items, including furniture, electricals and textiles are sent to landfill in Scotland every year, so we were really pleased with the amount of folk who took part in our re-use initiative.

“More events will be planned during the course of the year, including as part of Pass it on Week, between March 11-19. Of course, re-use should be happening all year round, not just during these special events, so we would like to encourage people to keep things in use for as long as possible by passing on, swapping, sharing, upcycling or donating things as well.”