Regional MSP welcomes consideration of Graduated Driving Licence

A Highlands & Islands MSP has welcomed news from the UK Government that they plan to seriously consider introducing a form of Graduated Driving Licence later this year.
Highlands & Islands Regional MSP and Road Safety Campaigner, David Stewart, said: “Since 2010 I have been campaigning for a form of Graduated Driving Licence to be introduced for young and new drivers. In the Scottish Parliament, there is broadly cross-party support for such a scheme evidenced by the support of motions I have laid down in the parliament on this issue.
“However as the matter is reserved to the UK Government, I along with other organisations have been trying to persuade successive UK cabinet secretaries for transport to adopt such a scheme and after 10 years we seem to be finally getting there. My main campaign on this issue was the ‘Sensible Driving – Always Arriving’ campaign which was initially set up in 2010.
“We know that in Scotland for example, as a result of research carried out by Dr Sarah Jones of Cardiff University, that if such a scheme was adopted here up to 22 lives could be saved per year and up to £80 million to the Scottish economy.
“In previous years I have met with staff from the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) in London and they were able to produce a document showing all the positive benefits of such a scheme and the lives that could be saved if such a scheme were to be introduced including savings to the economy. For example this research revealed that in Scotland alone 12.5 per cent of all road collision involved a driver aged between 17 and 19 years.
“Alarmingly, in the Highlands and Grampian areas, 15.7 per cent of all collisions involve a driver aged between 17 and 19 years. In these areas alone we, could reduce the casualties by 64 and prevent those killed or seriously injured by 13, if a graduated licence scheme was introduced.
“During my quest, I also met with the RAC Foundation and locally with driving groups and organisations, all of whom have been supportive. I also researched and produced briefings on all the advantages gleaned from countries overseas who have adopted such a scheme. I understand that the Prime Minister has agreed to seriously consider introducing this scheme and she has asked the department of transport to look again at the issue.
The Labour MSP concluded: “I have written to the transport secretary, the Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, seeking clarity now on the governments latest position and I am of course grateful to all those who campaigned with me and the group I set up NOSDAT, North Of Scotland Driver Awareness Scheme, to help secure such a scheme. It has been a long road to get this far and we are not over the finish line yet, but for those who have lost loved ones I hope we can get these changes in the law which will alleviate some of the pain they have endured.
“I truly believe that this scheme if finally introduced is a positive step to make our roads safer and I am convinced it will hopefully save many young lives. It is a truism that there is no greater loss than the loss of a child. Let’s hope that now, at last, we are taking positive action to address the carnage on our roads involving particularly young people.”