Remembering Gunner Thomas Irvine . . .

Just over a century ago, Britain went to war against Germany and the horrors of World War One began.
In those years of fighting, and in the aftermath, many Orcadians lost their lives during their time serving with the armed forces.
Deerness lost 13 young men, whose names are on the war memorial at the parish’s St Ninian’s Kirk. The Friends of St Ninian’s, who own the kirk, are remembering those who died and those who served and survived.
As well as a holding a display inside the kirk, the friends are also remembering the men in the In Memoriam’ section of The Orcadian, on the anniversary of their deaths.
This act of remembrance began this week with Gunner Thomas Irvine, of No 6 Co Orkney Royal Garrison Artillery, of Sandside, Deerness.
His story is a poignant one. He enlisted at 16 years old, and died, due to influenza and pneumonia, in Kirkwall, while a serving solider, before his 17th birthday.
Anne Mitchell, from the Friends of St Ninian, said that because he was serving in the army at the time, young Thomas Irvine was kept in Kirkwall during his illness, but it was felt that had he been allowed  home, he could have been cared for by his family and may have survived.
St Ninian’s Kirk will be open, from 2pm to 4pm, today, Saturday, and again on Sunday and Monday, to remember Thomas Irvine and highlight his story. Of the 13 men who lost their lives, he is the only one buried in the Deerness kirkyard.