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RGU to host work-based degree information sessions

Employers in Orkney are being encouraged by Aberdeen’s Robert Gordon University (RGU) to learn how new work-based learning degrees, Graduate Apprenticeships (GA), can benefit their business and employees, as they host information sessions in the county, next Monday.

In March 2017 RGU became one of the first universities in Scotland to confirm its Graduate Apprenticeship offering and has just been granted a further £4.2million to deliver 135 additional fully funded GAs.

Run in partnership with Skills Development Scotland, and with support from the European Social Fund, the GAs are spread across a range of disciplines in construction, engineering, business management and IT.

GAs enable participants to earn their degree while working and are delivered in partnership with their employers over the course of four years.

A range of businesses and organisations including local authorities from across Scotland signed collaboration agreements with RGU to deliver the GAs to employees.

RGU is set to host information sessions for employers on Monday, February 26, at the Kirkwall Town Hall at 11am and 2pm.

Fiona Campbell, who will be delivering the sessions for RGU, says that these events will give folk a chance to find out more about the Graduate Apprenticeship.

“Those coming along to our sessions can expect an overview of what a Graduate Apprenticeship is, why it would benefit employers and why it can help develop and sustain a young workforce on the island,” she explained.

“It will also provide an opportunity to ask questions and find out more about RGU and how we can work with businesses on the island.”

To find out more, you can contact the GA Recruitment Team on GAemployer@rgu.ac.uk.