Sanday bullock catches judge’s eye at Thainstone show

A show of Aberdeen-Angus and Beef Shorthorn, held at the Thainstone Centre, in Inverurie, saw a bullock from Elsness, Sanday, come out on top, winning the seal of approval from judge John Mackay, from Kirriemuir.
Tuesday’s show, which was sponsored by the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, saw the Aberdeen -Angus cross bullock, shown by the Seatter family — Francis, Jacqueline and son Robert — bought by the judge for £1360 at the sale of Aberdeen-Angus, Beef Shorthorn and native-bred store cattle, which followed the show. The bullock weighed in at 562kg.
With organisers hailing the quality seen at the show, it proved to be a very good day for Orkney competitors — a bullock from How Farms Ltd, also Sanday, took third in the Single Bullock class; Vetquoy Farms, Twatt, took first in the Pair of Bullocks class, A. & A. Foubister took third in the Pair of Bullocks class and Elsness also took the runner-up spot on the Pen of Four Bullocks class.
The sale saw some 886 Aberdeen-Angus, Beef Shorthorn and native-bred store cattle sold through Aberdeen and Northern Marts’ Thainstone Centre, with a brisk trade seen. Top prices of £1415 and 290.3p per kg were paid for Aberdeen-Angus crosses.
For full results and prices, see next week’s edition of The Orcadian.