Scottish Government still shortchanging NHS Orkney, says McArthur

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur has demanded an explanation from ministers after figures revealed that NHS Orkney is still being shortchanged by the Scottish Government, despite promises made by the health secretary last month.
On January 11, the Scottish Government issued a statement which said that an additional tranche of funding would “bring all health boards to within one per cent of parity under the NHS funding formula, NRAC, a year earlier than planned.”
However figures published today and analysed by the Scottish Parliament information service (SPICe) showed that NHS Orkney is still 1.5 per cent below parity.
Mr McArthur said: “Last month, the Scottish Government insisted that all health boards would be brought within one percent of parity of their funding formula. They even boasted they were hitting their target a year early.
“This month, we learn that this is not true. In fact, NHS Orkney is just one of a number of health boards still being short-changed to the tune of £600,000.
“This funding is needed to help deliver vital health services in the islands. Local patients and NHS staff in Orkney deserve to know why, in the space of five weeks, Scottish ministers have gone back on their earlier promises. More importantly, they need an assurance that the government will now make good this £600,000 shortfall.”