‘Ship of Fools; a Continuation’

A new exhibition of paintings opens at the Orkney Museum this Saturday.
Ship of Fools; a Continuation, by artist Robin Bownass, is a set of paintings that forms a single work, with the addition of small studies made for the larger pieces.
He explained the background to this work of art: “The fifteen panels in this exhibition are a continuation from those shown at the Orquil Gallery and the Pier Art Centre some years ago.
“The panels follow no strict narrative – there is obvious reference to Icarus, Don Quixote, and the Blind leading the Blind – other themes are suggested. The work is open to interpretation.
“I paint and draw as a means of understanding the world about me. Painting and drawing is always an exciting struggle – a response to subject and media alike. I make the work out of a need to do so.
“The work is cinematic in scope — done in an effort to involve and entertain the spectator. Supporting studies are included in the exhibition.”
Ship of Fools; a Continuation runs until April 23.