Skaill Christmas fair fundraises over £2,000

Over £2,400 has been raised for Friends of the Neuro Ward, following a successful Christmas Fair at Skaill House, in December.
It’s been a very difficult year for so many this year, and charities have had many of their fundraising events cancelled.
So, it was fantastic news for Friends of the Neuro Ward (a charity which has its roots in Orkney) when Malcolm Macrae and the team at Skaill House decided to carry on with their Christmas event, raising funds for the cause. In order to comply with all the coronavirus regulations, it needed to be a scaled-down version, but for lovers of all things Christmas it was a welcome relief. Over 20 local craft folk were able to sell their high,quality wares, and over 400 folk visiting the house were able to purchase gifts for Christmas.
Skaill house was decked out with winter greenery, Christmas trees and twinkly lights and gave visitors a festive lift.
The more than £2,400 total exceeded the entire fundraising for the whole year for the charity, and meant that the patients on the Neuro wards could have a Christmas tree and a stocking full of presents.
Next year, the team at Skaill House hopes to do it all again and has plans for it being even bigger and better!