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Spotlight on marine renewables industry

A public open day will take place next Tuesday, June 3, to showcase the pioneering work taking place in marine renewables in Orkney.

EMEC has developed an event programme – which included as an insert to this week’s The Orcadian, out on Thursday – opening up the main marine renewables sites around Orkney to visitors.

However, due to the changing nature of test plans for wave and tidal devices, it is common for machines to move on and off site regularly.  The Pelamis P2 machine which was expected to be at Lyness for viewing, will now in fact be at sea at EMEC’s Billia Croo wave test site instead. Therefore, the planned session with Lyness Pier open to the public between 2-4pm will therefore no longer take place.

EMEC’s Eileen Linklater said: “Unfortunately visitors will no longer be able to get up close to the P2 machine as we have had to cancel the Lyness part of the programme, but we are very happy that it can be seen from shore out at Billia Croo instead alongside the Scottish Power P2, and Wello Penguin – it is important for these technologies to get as much real-sea experience as possible, and seeing them in operation at sea is what it is all about.”

The morning seminar, marine renewables exhibition, and open sites at Hatston, Billia Croo and Eday will continue as advertised.