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Views wanted for turbine landscape study

A consultation is under way on a study looking at capacity of the Orkney landscape to accommodate future wind energy developments.

The assessment was commissioned by Orkney Islands Council and, once finalised following the six-week consultation, will be used to develop a revised version of the council’s wind energy planning guidance.

This guidance will be considered by councillors later this year. When agreed and adopted by the OIC, it will be taken into account when assessing planning applications for wind energy projects.

“Orkney is renowned for its wind energy resource,” said planning manager Stuart West. “This has led to a high level of wind energy applications being considered by the council in recent years.

“Renewable energy projects bring economic benefits to our community, help reduce consumption of fossil fuels and can support the delivery of green energy targets. However, we must also recognise that wind energy development has an impact on the landscape. I hope people will take this opportunity to look at the document and pass on their views and ideas.”

All the responses to the consultation will be passed to the consultants who drew up the study, who will respond to each comment received and provide a revised version for the council

The document can be read at http://www.orkney.gov.uk/Service-Directory/C/landscape-capacity-assessment-for-wind-energy-in-orkney.htm

Paper copies are available at OIC customer services in Kirkwall and Stromness, the libraries in Kirkwall and Stromness and on library vans.

The consultation runs until April 15.