‘We are still in the middle of a pandemic’ warns NHSO ahead of Hallowe’en

NHS Orkney has made an urgent plea to the community as it heads into Hallowe’en weekend, amid a continued rise in COVID-19 cases.
A total of 22 new cases have been attributed to Orkney this Friday, on top of 55 confirmed in figures published yesterday.
“We are in the middle of a pandemic still,” said NHS Orkney’s medical director, Louise Wilson, when asked her opinion on whether folk should continue their trick or treating plans as normal. Â
“Although we’re vaccinated, we are seeing community cases. So I would be really urging people to think about how they approach this weekend to keep themselves and their families, their loved ones and their community safe.
“If you are going out, how can you make that safer for yourself and for others? By keeping your distance, by wearing masks. If it’s indoors, by being in as ventilated an area as possible. I think we just have to be cautious given the situation that we’re facing here in Orkney at the moment.”
Confirming the 22 new cases today, NHS Orkney said it was continuing to manage the infections and that it has not found any major clusters. According to the health authority it is widespread community transmission which is behind the rising numbers. Orkney’s public health team is therefore urging everyone to remain vigilant as we head into the weekend.
An NHSO spokeswoman said: “Please continue to use lateral flow tests if you are not experiencing any symptoms of COVID and don’t forget to log these results online.
“If you have a positive lateral flow test, you and your household should isolate immediately, and you should book a PCR test.
“If you begin to develop any COVID symptoms (a new or continuous cough, loss of taste/smell or high temperature) isolate immediately, with your household, and book a PCR test.”
Kirkwall’s COVID Assessment Centre will remain open this weekend from 9am until 12.30pm on Saturday and Sunday for anyone who requires a PCR test. To book a PCR test please call 01856 888211.
The spokeswoman added: “We are not asking you to hide inside but instead, to be cautious of your actions and follow all guidance available; regular hand washing, face coverings, staying a safe distance from those outwith your household and of course, good ventilation if indoors.”