Whit’s on this weekend?
At a loose end this weekend? Here are just a few examples of Whit’s on!
Children in Need

The BBC’s annual fundraising drive, Children in Need, takes place today, Friday, with events being held throughout the UK.
Here in Orkney, BBC Radio Orkney is preparing to host its annual marathon fundraising programme tonight.
From 7pm, listeners will be treated to a variety of entertainment, live music through the night in the Radio Orkney “Live Lounge,” and appearances from local fundraisers throughout the evening.
And, of course, it wouldn’t be Children in Need without the much-anticipated BBC Radio Orkney auction.
Coordinators have said there is a huge amount of items this year, which will be auctioned off on-air in hourly lots from around 7.15pm.
Stromness Super Saturday

A special shopping event is being held in Stromness tomorrow which will take shoppers on a nostalgic journey through the years of Stromness’ cobbled streets and shops.
The event will be a celebration of the shops, both past and present, that have been based in the town. There will be a special photo trail, with local folk encouraged to come to the town and see how many former premises they remember — and maybe do a bit of shopping to support the current businesses too.
The town’s shops will also have a range of special offers on the go and the much-loved annual Stromness Christmas Bonanza will be launched.
Look out for more festive cheer in the town the following day, with the Mulled Wine and Discount Sunday.

Pier Arts Centre open exhibition
The Pier Arts Centre, in Stromness, kicks off its annual celebration of art and craft by artists and makers who live and work in Orkney this weekend.
The open exhibition showcases a broad cross-section of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography & film, textiles and glasswork and includes artists and makers.
The work shown through the exhibition reflects the wide variety of subject matter that inspires those working in Orkney and the many interpretations and forms that that expression takes — from landscape and seascape, flora and fauna to the more abstract, the humorous and conceptual — all find a home in this popular annual event.
With all works for sale, the exhibition allows an unparalleled opportunity to revel in the breadth and joy of Orkney’s artistic expression.

Film Fortnight
A celebration cinema, which has been taking place in Orkney over the past two weeks, draws to a close this weekend.
The closing days of Film Fortnight — which has sought to link up all of Orkney’s various cinematic resources — will see film showings in Kirkwall, Stromness, Hoy and St Margaret’s Hope.
Among the screenings is a showing of Blade Runner: The Final Cut in Kirkwall, Billy’s Night Oot 2017 in the ‘Hope and West Side Cinema’s fifth birthday celebration in Stromness.
For the full schedule visit filmfortnight.wordpress.com