3D scan of first barrier starts today

Orkney Islands Council will start a 3D scan of the Churchill Barrier No. 1 today, Friday.
Concerns about the road surface have been raised by local bikers for some time, with the council confirming earlier this month that a visual survey had revealed a deterioration in its condition.
Once the road has been scanned the council will then look at options for improving the surface.
For the safety of the engineer carrying out the survey, a convey vehicle and stop/go signs will be used to control traffic flow and speed.
The road surface will be surveyed in sections. Each section will take a few minutes to complete, and all traffic will be stopped while scanning takes place. It’s intended traffic will be stopped for periods of no longer than five minutes at a time.
Once the engineer finishes scanning a section and is moving the equipment to the next section, traffic will be allowed to flow again under convoy.
Its expected the scanning will take a couple of days to complete and drivers are reminded to allow a little extra time for their journeys.