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A first chance for a look inside St Margaret’s Hope care facility

An open morning is to be held at Braeburn, the new health and social care facility in St Margaret’s Hope, next Saturday.

Braeburn will provide 13 “extra care” properties for rent — homes with access to 24-hour personal and social support. Another will be used to provide respite care. Six of the homes are connected to a “core” building which serves as a staff base, kitchen and shared social space for use by tenants. These and the other properties are also linked to the core building by an emergency call system.

The newly completed facility has cost £2.3 million. Its design has drawn upon expertise from health, social care and housing professionals in Orkney and from across Scotland.

The open morning, between 10am and 1pm on Saturday, April 14, offers a first opportunity to take a look inside.

Caroline Sinclair, head of health and community care for Orkney Health and Care, said: “I think people will be impressed — it’s a good example of how joined-up working can deliver well thought-out services for our local community.”