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A taste of Orkney at BBC Good Food Show

Eight leading producers are delivering a taste of Orkney, this week, at Britain’s biggest food event.

Malt whisky flavoured fudge, sustainably-caught fresh crab, award-winning smoked cheese, luxury butter puffs and a new herring-blini combination — just a flavour of the isles produce on offer at the BBC Good Food Show, which runs from November 23-27.

The Orkney Quality Food and Drink (OQFD) stand at this year’s event in Birmingham offers visitors a gastronomic tour of the islands.

“There’s a wealth of wonderful food from Orkney to enjoy,” said OQFD chairman Callum MacInnes. “By working together we mount a big Orkney presence at this massive event. Our stand is eye-catching, our food is delicious and our reputation for quality is unmatched. It’s a winning combination.”

The OQFD stand brings together the Orkney Herring Company, the Orkney Fishermen’s Society, Stockan’s, Argo’s Bakery, the Island Smokery, Jolly’s of Orkney, Orkney Isles Preserves and the Orkney Brewery — together with VisitOrkney.