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Abattoir survey for local farmers

abattoirFarmers are invited to take part in a survey on the abattoir facilities Orkney will need in future.

Earlier this year, Orkney Islands Council, in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), appointed consultants to undertake a comprehensive study of the county’s abattoir requirements. The consultants from Promar International, a UK based agri-food research company, have already canvassed the views of a group of 25 local farmers.

Now they are giving farmers throughout the county the opportunity to share their views and ideas.

Following the closure of Orkney Meat Limited in 2012, Orkney Meat Processors Limited (OMPL), a consortium of local butchers, was formed with support from the Council and HIE in order to ensure the continued supply of Orkney beef and lamb, primarily for local homes and businesses.

Councillor James Stockan, chairman of the OIC’s development and infrastructure committee, said: “The abattoir at Hatston is recognised as being too large for the current level of throughput.

“This important study will help everyone involved plan a way forward that best suits Orkney’s needs. I would encourage as many farmers as possible to take part.”

The survey can be completed online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Orkneyabattoir.

Paper copies with freepost envelopes will be available later this week from NFU Scotland’s Kirkwall Office and Branch Secretaries of the NFUS’s island branches – as well as from OIC customer services in Kirkwall and the Warehouse Buildings in Stromness.