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Abattoir survey – still time to take part

abattoirFarmers have until Monday, November 16, to take part in a survey on the abattoir facilities Orkney will need in the future.

The OIC, in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), has appointed consultants to undertake a comprehensive study of the county’s abattoir requirements.

The consultants from Promar International, a UK based agri-food research company, are running an online survey to give farmers throughout Orkney the chance to contribute their views and ideas.

Senior consultant Andrew McLay said: “There’s been an excellent response so far, but we’re keen to let farmers know there is still time for them to have their say.

“This is an important study that will result in recommendations on the future abattoir requirements Orkney will need.

“Those recommendations will be shaped by the feedback we receive from local farmers and I’d like to encourage as many as possible to take part.”

The survey can be completed online, with paper copies are available from NFU Scotland’s Kirkwall Office and branch secretaries of the NFUS’s island branches – as well as from OIC customer services in Kirkwall and the Warehouse Buildings in Stromness.