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Abattoir taskforce meet for the first time

A taskforce met for the first time on Friday to look at ways to ensure an abattoir service remains available in Orkney for the islands’ farmers and butchers.

Set up after the decision by Orkney Meat Limited to wind up the company, the taskforce brought together officials from Orkney Islands Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Officials from the Scottish Government also joined the discussions by tele-conference.

Gavin Barr, the OIC’s executive director for development and infrastructure, said: “We discussed the need for a short-term solution so that abattoir facilities remain in place for local farmers and butchers over the summer period and beyond.

“A key priority is to work out the level of service that is required to meet community needs and exactly how such a service can be provided, both as an interim measure and longer term as well.

“Government officials are due in Orkney [this] week to assess the situation at first hand. The taskforce will then meet again as soon as possible thereafter to continue the discussions.”