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Adult protection committee leaflet distributed this week

A new leaflet aimed at helping to protect adults from abuse in Orkney has been published this week.

The special publication, produced by Orkney Adult Protection Committee, highlights how to look out for signs of abuse — and provides advice on where to turn if someone is, or appears to be, at risk.

Copies of the leaflet, Adult Support and Protection — Act Against Harm in Orkney, will be included with The Orcadian tomorrow, Thursday, January 12.

The independent convener of the committee, Malcolm Bell, said: “It’s easy to forget that adults can be abused too. Abuse can happen at any time and in any place. Abusers can be anyone from complete strangers to people the person being abused knows and trusts, including family members.”

The Orkney Adult Protection Committee brings together representatives of Orkney Island Council, NHS Orkney, Northern Constabulary, the voluntary sector, and the Procurator Fiscal service. Its aim is to help prevent acts of intentional and unintentional harm and neglect against people who are unable to protect themselves because of a physical or mental illness, disability or infirmity.