All set for Children in Need 2015

It’s that time of year again – the annual BBC Children in Need fundraising appeal.
While Pudsey Bear has been out and about for a few weeks now, at the centre of the fundraising activities in the county this year is, as always, BBC Radio Orkney’s marathon fundraising programme, which kicks off this evening.
The programme starts at 7pm, and continues into the early hours, with the usual mix of guest presenters, live music, news from local fundraisers, pledges, special requests and, of course, the live on-air Auction.
Local businesses, organisations and individuals have already been digging deep, donating a selection of items which are put into “lots” and auctioned off to the highest bidder during the fundraising show.
Senior producer at BBC Radio Orkney, Dave Gray said: “As always, we’ve had a great response from the Orkney public and businesses so far, having been inundated with auction items.
“The tally of just over £27,000 that we raised last year will take some beating, but year-on-year the support of local folk continues to amaze, and we are sure that this year will be none different.
“We’re now looking forward to the night itself, where we’ll have the usual live entertainment, auction, pledges and banter!”
- Are you, or your school, organisation or business, doing something for Children in Need? Let us know, or send in photographs, and we’ll try to include as many as possible in next week’s paper.