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Awareness-raising event for people with Parkinson’s disease

NHS Orkney is teaming up with NHS Grampian and Parkinson’s UK to raise awareness of local and national services available to people affected by the condition.

A “meet and greet” session is being held in the Core Unit, Sunnybrae Centre, 1 Eunson Kloss, Kirkwall, at 7 pm tomorrow, Monday, March 26.

Val Leslie, Parkinson’s disease nurse specialist with NHS Grampian said: “The aim of the evening is to make people aware that a Parkinson nurse specialist provides a service from Aberdeen, and explain how that service can be accessed. A brief overview of the services Parkinson’s UK can offer will also be provided.

“We are also keen to get people’s views on how the service might develop in the future with particular reference to improving cover for patients in the outer isles.

“We’ll also take the opportunity to brief patients on how they can self manage their condition with support from the different agencies.”